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Monthly Archives: August 2020

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Review by LallaGatta – Country Cottage Mysteries by Addison Moore

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Terrible, just terrible!

I'm sorry. I'm not charmed by Country Cottage Mysteries.

Not one bit.

If the concept behind this series isn't half-bad, its realization is awful. The way the authors make their animals think, tells me that they've never had a pet in their lives. Seriously, how can you even imagine that a cat can know what a car trunk is, much less describe it?

There are limits in portraying cats and dogs as though they were regular people, and the authors have crossed every single one of them!

And what's with the jealous, possessive twist? Since when are people properties to be treated no better than things? To be fenced off and fought over?

The underlining message of these books is worse than the portrayal of the animals, if at all possible. Maybe, someone should explain to the authors the meaning of dignity, of love and friendship, in the hope it can somehow improve their books.

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‘Cause he’s unbeatable #MFRWhooks

Not In The Game

Not In The Game, Deleted Scenes from The Game, Virtus Saga Plus


PUBLISHER: eXtasy Books


To play Master, he needs a slave. She’s his only option. But will his jealous lover tolerate it?

To play Master, he needs a slave. Too bad she's his only option. That's why his jealous lover can't stand it!

I can’t wait to start on the serious sex.

No amounts of bodies could ever replace you, Princess.

"I can't wait to start on the serious sex," is Lord Christopher Templeton's announcement at the beginning of the sex-filled marathon that is Cecilia Hurst's Game of Masters and Slaves. But when Prince Duncan Caldwell, the love of his life, admits, "No amounts of bodies could ever replace you, Princess," he knows he's in serious trouble.

So he'll do whatever it takes to contrast the nosy witch's undue interference in a love that is his and the prince's alone.


Virtus Saga, where nothing is what it seems. Not since soul-mates Prince Duncan Caldwell and Lord Christopher Templeton share a love that is unrivaled, until that fateful knock on Ylianor Meyer’s dilapidated shack changes everything forever.


I am his sole interest!
(She needed a …

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Review by LallaGatta – The Weeping Woman of Putten by Alyce Bailey


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The Weeping Woman of Putten by Alyce Bailey


Online Book Clhb

The wretchedness will seep into you until you drown in unforgettable sorrow.

The Weeping Woman of Putten by Alyce Bailey portrays the tragedy that has been Nazi Germany in all its cruelty, with torture made more vicious by the realization of the impending defeat. Although the writing style isn't flawless, I rate this book…

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The Weeping Woman of Putten -

#LauraTolomei #LallaGatta #reading #reviews