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A taste of real punishment from Bondage Slave For Hire #BDSM #excerpt

Bondage Slave for Hire is the first book I’ve read by author Laura Tolomei and it won’t be my last. Ms. Tolomei was very creative in her picture of slaves in this particular bondage club, with everything working toward one night of the year.  This story was very original, and not like anything I have read before. As the story progresses, readers will start to get an inkling of what Julian and Andre are, but still won’t have a clue about Terry until the end. […] The chemistry, and later love, between the four main characters is apparent. The fact that Lilly was willing to do what she did could only have been done for love, even as she was being told she was not supposed to love the three men.” Literary Nymphsrecommendation rated Golden Blush Award
[image:image-1]Nothing satisfies Lilly. Not even working at The Dungeon BDSM Club as a bondage slave for hire. A slave looking for her true master. None have fit the bill so far. Until Terry. He spins her craving to fever pitch. And she might just fall in love with him, if she could only be his slave. Not just his. Julien …

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What’s Causing E-book Devaluation? Why is My Audio Book Re-Scue Sold at $0? And I Repeat $0?

Have you noticed how readers devalue e-books? They say things like, “E-books aren’t the same as a physical book.” Or “I don’t read e-books because I prefer the feel of a real book in my hand.” The last argument aside because I do understand that sometimes it’s nice to have the feel and smell of a paperback book, it amazes me that people don’t view e-books as being the same as a physical book. Just because an e-book is a file on a computer screen, or your Kindle, or your Nook does not mean that the author didn’t work just as hard on the manuscript. It’s almost like readers think an author can just pop out an e-book in record time and that so-called real authors write only physical books. And guess what? Readers aren’t the only ones devaluing e-books, authors and publishers are too!
So, what is causing the devaluation of e-books? I personally think it’s a number of things all lumped together.
1. E-book subscription programs like Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited. Honestly, I have to say I think this is the biggest reason that e-books have become so devalued. Readers see the Kindle Unlimited program and realize they can …

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A Short History of the Ouija Board

There have been rumors that the Ouija board is far older than the late 1800’s when it came into vogue. Stories of how it goes back to as far as ancient Egypt abound, but the truth is the Ouija board was created in the late 1800’s by Spiritualists. Spiritualism held with the belief that the dead could speak to the living. At this time in history, Spiritualism was sweeping the United States. The interesting thing is that the idea that the dead could speak to the living was very popular during this time in history, and the Ouija or talking board was just a tool created by Spiritualists to make this communication easier. The idea was so rooted in American culture in the late 1800’s that everyone was using Ouija boards. It is not like now where most Christians believe that the Ouija board is evil and can allow evil spirits into a person’s life. Even Christians were using Ouija boards at the height of the Spiritualist movement, and they thought nothing of using an Ouija board on Saturday night and then turning around and going to church Sunday morning.
All this being said, what made using an Ouija board …

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