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How to Use LinkedIn to Help Build Your Author Brand

Many authors don’t think of LinkedIn as some place that they can sell books. While it’s true that this is more a social media tool for those who are professionals, if you write whether it be fiction or non-fiction then you’re a professional writer and can use LinkedIn to help build your author brand.
If you’re thinking, “But I already have an account on LinkedIn, what else can I do there to help build my author brand, other than have the account, offer my own services if I have them, and make connections?” Believe it or not, you can do more. Now, you should also continue to make connections on LinkedIn, but you can take it one-step further. You can now post content on LinkedIn! Actually, this has been available for a while now, and participating can definitely help you build your author brand, particularly if you offer content that is readable and interesting.
So, how do you go about publishing on LinkedIn?
It’s very easy really. You just sign into your LinkedIn account, and you’ll notice a small box that says, “Share an update”. To the far right of that box is a pencil icon. All you have to …

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7 Tips for Writing Your Author’s Bio That Help Sell Your Books

Writing your author’s bio can be one of the more stressful things about creating your author’s website and helping to build your author brand. Many authors don’t know where to start, how much to share about themselves or how to put together an author’s bio. The thing is while you want your bio to be interesting, you also want it to make potential readers look at your books. So what do you add to your author’s bio that will make readers do that and then buy your books?

Here are five tips for writing an author’s bio that will keep readers coming back for more!

1. Be professional. It’s difficult to take authors seriously when it comes to their books and their writing if they don’t seem to take themselves seriously or behave in a professional manner. So always be professional whether you choose to use first or third person when writing your author’s bio.

2. Be confident. Even if you don’t feel confident on the inside, write your bio as if you are and as if you feel that confidence daily. People tend to be more attracted to people that are confident and they’ll be more likely to buy …

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How Did the Roman World Treat Women?

How the Roman world treated a woman in the depended on her status. If she was part of the upper class, or say the daughter of an Emperor then she had a bit more leeway as to the kinds of activities she could engage in. Women were educated, especially if they were high born, and boys and girls went to type of primary school where they were taught Greek, as well as, Latin.

Even if a woman was freeborn, and a citizen, she could not hold a political position, or even vote for the men she wanted to lead. However, this did not stop Roman women from influencing their world. A few examples are Helena who was an Empress and a huge force for promoting the relatively new Christian religion. Another example of a Roman woman influencing the Roman world is Fulvia who led her own army, and had coins with her image on them created and handed out. So, if you were fortunate enough to be high born, while you could not participate in the patriarchal Roman world, you could do things that influenced what happened.

In a strange twist, highborn women who had acted and created change in …

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