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Tasting Leon’s Mark, ReScue Series #2, and The Sex, Virtus Saga #1: 5 Tips for Handling Bad Reviews of Your Book

Contrary to what many newbie authors think, all authors even ones on the New York Times Bestseller list get bad reviews. Just because you have a bestselling book doesn’t mean that there aren’t going to be others who think your book is well not that great. One of the keys to being a successful author who keeps their readers is in how you handle bad reviews.

Here are five tips for handling bad reviews of your book. As far as I’m concerned, these are iron clad and authors disregard them at their own risk.

1. Wait a day before you respond in any way to a bad review. It’s very easy in the heat of the moment to fire off a super negatively charged e-mail to a reviewer who doesn’t like your book, and saying something you will regret in the morning. Don’t do it, step away from the computer now. Many a newbie author has ruined their writing career and alienated readers by writing a scathing e-mail to a reviewer.

2. Take several deep breaths, in and out, in and out. It will calm your upset and all you to think clearly before responding.

3. Remind yourself that not …

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My Husband’s Review of Literary Nymphs recommended read: Bondage Slave For Hire

[image:image-2]A story begins with its characters. In Bondage Slave For Hire, there’s Lilly, the slave. Then Terry, the Master of all Masters. And Julien and André, the mysterious and dangerous Creoles.

Second off is the plot. With no other wish than to satisfy the Master of all Masters, the insignificant slave is ready to give love through pain. She is so ready to show she can suffer to deserve whatever her Master sees fit to give her. Even if it’s only a kiss. A solitary kiss. For what can be better than a man who is fascinating,
desirable and exciting? Of a man who knows how to command with just one glance? And what about his friends? What is their true relationship? And why can’t Lilly reach a peak without thinking of them?

Third off is the place. The Dungeon BDSM Club is where bondage, pain and perversions jump out the pages and hit you hard and deep. Same place where a slave deserves to die in Halloween’s Black Room.

Fourth and final there’s the anticipation. Halloween is coming, with its load of anxiety and the promise of pain and terror. Who will survive?

I’ve known the author, …

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A Short History of the Tarot

There is much mystery surrounding the origins of the Tarot, and the truth is no one can be certain of its actual origins. That being said, there are a number of theories as to the beginnings of the Tarot. One theory suggests that the Tarot came from Egypt and is in fact
part of the lost Egyptian library. It was also believed that the cards came with the Gypsies from Egypt which was another reason they were thought to originate there because people believed the Gypsy’s ancestors were from Egypt. Another theory states that the Tarot originated in the Middle East from playing cards created by the Moors. And yet another states that they were playing cards created for the Nobles of Italy for a game called Triumph. Regardless, we will probably never know the exact true origins of the Tarot because they are shrouded in mystery.

According to most sources, the Tarot wasn’t used for divination until
the late seventeen hundreds when occultists got a hold of an Italian Triumph deck and decided there was more to the symbolism on the cards than met the eye. Regardless from that time forward, occultists began making their own tarot decks based …

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