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Roman Seduction

CTR Review – Roman Seduction

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Beautiful and emotional! story!

ISBN: Unavailable
Released: June 2009
eXtasy Books
Format: Ebook
Price: $1.59
Length: 44 Pages
Genre: Historical Romance, GBLTQA+, Erotica, Romantica
Rating: 5 Cups
Reviewer Name: Danielle
Reviewer: Coffee Time Romance & More


Aurelius "Pullus" Ladeo is of a mixed race, from a Roman father and an Egyptian mother. As if that is not enough of a hindrance to some, he also happens to find himself attracted to men.

Attilio Metrono Tacitus is a soldier in the Roman army and has seen his fair share of war, famine, strife, and hate. He also knows what it is like to have a woman look you straight in the face even as she is stabbing you in the back.

Aurelius notices Attilio standing in the same spot time and again but does not have the courage to go up to him, afraid his desire will show. The legionary knows that Pullus is interested in men, and though he himself usually sticks with women, there is something about the other man that calls to him. So over the course of many nights they begin to get to know each other over …

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Trespassing All Hollows Eve Laura Tolomei

LRR Review – Trespassing All Hallows Eve

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The sex scenes are all that anyone could hope for

Like any author, I also have my share of bad reviews, lol. Since I'm not ashamed of them, I'm happy to share them anyway, starting with my first release ever, Trespassing All Hallows Eve.

Title: Trespassing All Hallows Eve
Author: Laura Tolomei
Publisher: eXtasy Books
Released: 2008
Genre: Erotica, Gay LGBT, Dark Fantasy, Paranormal, Adventure
Format: ebook
Length: 160 Pages
Reviewer Name: Val
Reviewer: Love Romance Readers


This is a story about a comic book writer who dreams of a flame haired woman and makes her the heroine of his next comic book adventure. What he doesn't realize is that she really exists in another dimension, and on Halloween she can cross through. She takes him back to her dimension (which can only be done by having sex) so that her lover can tell him her story.

In the beginning of the book, everything is as normal as you would expect the author introduces a few characters, but does not give them enough time or description. It isn't clear, at first whom the book is actually about, and it switches from reality to unreality rather suddenly. There …

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You’ll find your prince #MFRWhooks

Deadly Karma

A Club Sortilege Tale

By Laura Tolomei


BDSM, Multiple Partners, Paranormal, Contemporary, Time-Travel, Gay Male-Male

WORDS# 49,982

Available Now



He wasn’t looking for love or soul mates. He was looking for that Halloween high. Such was his justification. What comes around goes around was more like it.




When Eunice Saint Jacques meets Adrien Ascott at the Halloween party of one of New Orleans’s prestigious hotels, she thinks he’s cute.

Nah, she thinks he’s the most gorgeous creature ever. Little does she know he isn’t all that he seems to be, and that this Halloween will seal her destiny forever!

While it’s Presentation Night at Club Sortilege, the renowned New Orleans BDSM club, Yvette Carlisle, the Grand Master’s slave, is worried. What happened to her friend Eunice should never have happened.

Not now.

Hell, not for a long time.

Yet, here she is, talking to Adrien and uncovering an age-old curse that makes his karma as deadly as that of Count Dracula himself. Is it true, or is he spinning just another tale of bondage and sadism in the plush lounge of Club Sortilege?

“You’ll find your prince handsome tonight.” Palomar oozed confidence …

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