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Review by LallaGatta – The Weeping Woman of Putten by Alyce Bailey


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The Weeping Woman of Putten by Alyce Bailey


Online Book Clhb

The wretchedness will seep into you until you drown in unforgettable sorrow.

The Weeping Woman of Putten by Alyce Bailey portrays the tragedy that has been Nazi Germany in all its cruelty, with torture made more vicious by the realization of the impending defeat. Although the writing style isn't flawless, I rate this book…

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The Weeping Woman of Putten -

#LauraTolomei #LallaGatta #reading #reviews

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Review by LallaGatta – In Pale Battalions by Robert Goddard

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Not a bad read, but…

I have some issues with In Pale Battalions by Robert Goddard that have diminished my enjoyment of the book.

The language and writing style is one of the things I've least appreciated. They are convoluted, old-fashioned, and pompous. I think the story would've been more enjoyable if delivered in a breezy, straightforward style, instead of narrating in such a roundabout way.

The second thing I've found frustrating is the length of the novel, which is too long. If the author condenses the waiting for relevant information, instead of dragging it for pages on end, the book would be at least one-third shorter. As a reader, I've had the sense of being on the brink of an action that either never comes or is unreasonably delayed yet again.

It's just too bad because the plot is intriguing.

Check it out on Amazon

#LauraTolomei #LallaGatta #reading #reviews

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Review by LallaGatta – A Good Marriage by Kimberly McCreight

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A real page-turner, I couldn't put it down!

I love this book. I've read it in one day. That's how I hooked I've been.

No, actually, I've devoured it and have had to finish it right after I started it.

The characters, the plot, the style—it all works out perfectly like a well-oiled mechanism. Nothing fails, and your enjoyment is guaranteed to be absolute!

I definitely recommend A Good Marriage by Kimberly McCreight to all legal thrillers fans and anyone looking for a fast-paced, absorbing, and well-crafted storyline!

Check it out on Amazon

#LauraTolomei #LallaGatta #reading #reviews