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Book Tour – Virtus Sex by Laura Tolomei


Published By: eXtasy Books

Author: Laura Tolomei
ISBN: 978-1-4874-2482-4
Publish Date: April 26, 2019
Series: Virtus #1
ISBN: 978-1-4874-2482-4
Page: 459
Word Count: 139610
Heat Level: 4 Flames
Categories: Fantasy, GLBT, Menage, Multiple Partners, Paranormal, Erotica


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When Prince Duncan Caldwell loses his way home and knocks on a stranger’s door, looking to find shelter, he doesn’t know his life is about to change forever. Not because he can’t tear his gaze away from the beautiful woman who opens that door, but more so because she’s a stranger yet he can’t shake the feeling she belongs to him. And discovering she’s been banned from his home can’t stop the vortex of his feelings nor the truth of his world from crashing down on him.

This is just the beginning of the Virtus Saga, where nothing is as it seems. Not the world, since its all-pervading sex drive hides a scary lack of violence. Not the people, since soul mates Prince Duncan Caldwell and Lord Christopher Templeton share a love that is unrivaled until that fateful knock on Ylianor Meyer’s dilapidated shack.

This book starts the …

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Review by LallaGatta – Memoirs Of The Senator’s Wife by S. M. Ford

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Terrible, in a very bad way!

I can't begin listing what I didn't like about Memoirs of the Senator's Wife by S. M. Ford.

First and foremost, the characters. Xavier and Estella are so two-dimensional that they hardly feel real. Nothing makes sense about their lives except perhaps their motivations. But even those cannot explain their odd behaviors and reactions.

Secondly, the style is flat and unemotional, which isn't the worst thing about it. What I can't stand are the patronizing tones, the underlying homophobia and chauvinism portrayed by this book. It's ironic that the same causes Estella is fighting for are the reasons this book should've never been written. As an example, I'll quote the misuse of Plato's theory of soul-mates. Originally meant to explain man's attraction to man, the author turns it into a heterosexual justification.

The many typos and grammar errors are a further discouragement in reading this book that, needless to say, I wouldn't recommend to anyone.

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Review by LallaGatta – Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee

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Disappointing, but still…


Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee is nowhere near the excellence of her first book, To Kill a Mockingbird. But then, more than 60 years have passed between the first and the second novel. So, in a way, the Scout who is the protagonist of this book, like she was of the previous one, isn't just 20 years older. She's a lifetime older, which might explain why she feels so out of focus.

Or maybe the problem is with Mrs. Lee herself since she's obviously not an author in the traditional sense, having only one tale to tell and nothing else.

I also have an issue with the book's title, which is one of the worst I ever encountered.

Regardless of the book's shortcomings, however, there is a citation here that has made it worthwhile for me to read this book, and I'm going to share it for all:

"Prejudice, a dirty word, and faith, a clean one, have something in common: they both begin where reason ends."

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