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The Game – Deleted Scenes #MFRWhooks


When Prince Duncan Caldwell has to enter Cecilia Hurst’s Game of Masters and Slaves, he already knows he’ll have to play Master if he intends to retrieve the pyramid Cecilia stole from the sacred Nephis Valley. And his choice for a slave can only be Ylianor Meyer, however fiercely Lord Christopher Templeton resents her and her overpowering erotic intrusion in a trip that should’ve been his and Duncan’s alone. No, make that in a love that should’ve been his and Duncan’s alone!

Such is the new setting of the Virtus Saga, where nothing is what it seems. Not since soul-mates Prince Duncan Caldwell and Lord Christopher Templeton share a love that is unrivaled until that fateful knock on Ylianor Meyer’s dilapidated shack changes everything forever.

This book doesn’t simply pick up right where Book 1 The Sex leaves off. This book explodes it all—the lust and the leadership, but also the estrangement and the chaos. Mostly the unique connection laced with a load of jealousy and violence that is unknown to their world. Because this isn’t just another erotic dark fantasy series. This is the making of a trio. The story of three remarkable characters that have to overcome …

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Review by LallaGatta – Apropos of Nothing by Woody Allen

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A truly honest insight!

As a fan of Mr. Allen's movies, I have grabbed his autobiography as soon as it came out, and I haven't been disappointed. This is no hollow celebration of a talented man, no sharpened axe to grind against anyone, no sterile retaliation against false accusations. This instead is the story of a life that has had it's ups and downs, the fond reflection of the work done, both the good and the bad, the vivid recollection of the people that have influenced his life and work, again in the good and the bad. There's respect for all the people he has worked or had dealings with, even those he says candidly he does not like. No histrionics, no blaring trumpets, it's an intimate retelling that touched me deeply.

In spite of what you might be led to believe, Mr. Allen isn't the only protagonist. His city, New York, features just as prominently as does the show business that has defined his life and work. His witty, fast-paced and brilliant style bring both alive, and for the whole duration of the book I have been immersed in another time and space. Like with sci-fi novels, except this …

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Review by LallaGatta – Above the Bay of Angels by Rhys Bowen

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Rich and vibrant, a real enjoyment!

Above the Bay of Angels: by Rhys Bowen is a great read. Written with an almost flawless style, I love the atmosphere Mrs. Bowen creates apparently without any effort yet with such historical precision that I felt like I was living right at the end of the 19th Century. London has never been more real than when I took the Bakerloo line with Bella 🙂

Although Queen Victoria in her old age is portrayed admirably, readers are drawn to the protagonist of this story. Isabella (Bella) Waverly's fall from grace, her having to become a servant when in fact educated and coming from a good family, is touching and deeply moving as is her grabbing at any opportunity in order to find a better albeit proper way of life. More than that, it explains her needs and her quest, framed as she is by the period she's living in and the many prejudiced against women.

The recipes are also incredible, so mouthwatering that more than once I have been tempted to bite the page they're written on. Good thing I read on Kindle, so the book has suffered no harm!

I definitely recommend this …

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