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The Festival

A way of denying her #MFRWhooks

The Pledge (Virtus Book 5)

The Festival, Book 3 Virtus Saga

When Ylianor Meyer throws in Prince Duncan Caldwell's face his generous offer to adopt her into the Caldwell family, she has only one thought in mind--to get as far away from the stunningly gorgeous dark-haired prince and his equally striking blond-haired lover, Lord Christopher Templeton before she falls in love with them harder than she already is. Before she becomes their slave for real and surrenders to both without any shame. For each is a master in his own standing: one for pleasure, the other for pain.
Such is the new setting of the Virtus Saga, where nothing is as it seems. Not the world, since its all-pervading sex drive hides a scary lack of violence. Not the people, since soul mates Prince Duncan Caldwell and Lord Christopher Templeton share a love that is unrivaled until that fateful knock on Ylianor Meyer's dilapidated shack.
This book picks up right where The Game, Book 2, leaves off and extends love and passion into torrid sex and bloody nightmares. It's a unique connection, laced with jealousy and violence that are unknown to their world. This is not just another …

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His throaty whisper #MFRWhook

Virtus Sex: Author's Cut, Virtus Saga #1


Published By: eXtasy Books

Author: Laura Tolomei
ISBN: 978-1-4874-2482-4
Publish Date: April 26, 2019
Series: Virtus #1
ISBN: 978-1-4874-2482-4
Page: 459
Word Count: 139610
Heat Level: 4 Flames
Categories: Fantasy, GLBT, Menage, Multiple Partners, Paranormal, Erotica


Available At


When Prince Duncan Caldwell loses his way home and knocks on a stranger’s door, looking to find shelter, he doesn’t know his life is about to change forever. Not because he can’t tear his gaze away from the beautiful woman who opens that door, but more so because she’s a stranger yet he can’t shake the feeling she belongs to him. And discovering she’s been banned from his home can’t stop the vortex of his feelings nor the truth of his world from crashing down on him.

This is just the beginning of the Virtus Saga, where nothing is as it seems. Not the world, since its all-pervading sex drive hides a scary lack of violence. Not the people, since soul mates Prince Duncan Caldwell and Lord Christopher Templeton share a love that is unrivaled until that fateful knock on Ylianor Meyer’s dilapidated shack.

This book starts the love and the …

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“Not to worry, Prince.” #MFRWhooks

Published By: eXtasy Books

Author: Laura Tolomei
ISBN: 978-1-4874-2482-4
Page: 459
Word Count: 139610
Estimated Publish Date: April 26, 2019
Series: Virtus #1
Heat Level: 4 Flames
Categories: Fantasy, GLBT, Menage, Multiple Partners, Paranormal, Erotica , PREORDER

“Would you like to stay the night?” Slightly embarrassed, her cheeks colored of an adorable red shade. “I mean, with the rain and all, maybe it would be better.” She seemed to pull herself together. “There’s a free bed upstairs, and I could fix you something to eat.”

Judging from the little furniture he had seen, he guessed the small shack would be unable to provide for too many sleeping arrangements. “Where will you sleep?”

“Oh, I won’t be doing much sleeping tonight.” Retrieving his towel, she folded it on the back of a chair. “My father is dying, so I’ll keep to his bedside.”

“I’m sorry.” He really was, even if nothing she had said so far had shed any light on who she really was, or on what her connection to him might be. “Can I be of assistance?”

“No, thank you.” She did not sound sad, just exhausted. “He’s been ill for a long time, but tonight I feel …

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