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Easter’s Pagan History & the Divinitas Connection

Millions of Christians will celebrate Easter this year and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This particular celebration has been going on for centuries. But did you know that the celebration of Easter actually has its roots in pagan religions and practices?

It does!
And it makes for a fascinating piece of history, not to mention the most particular book you’ll have the pleasure of ever reading.

In the early days of the Catholic Church, their leaders were working to convert most of Europe’s pagan population to Christianity. But this was not always an easy thing to do. Bringing in a religion that was new and only a few thousand years old and then trying to replace pagan religions that were many thousands of years older took cunning and ingenuity on the part of Catholic leaders.
One of the ways that Catholic leaders brought in pagan converts was to “alter” or “change” the meaning of current pagan festivals. And replace at least a few of the main symbols with Christian symbols in order to make it easier for pagans to adopt the new religion. For example, there are many stories of gods and goddesses who “resurrected” from the dead such as …

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Welcome to my Erotic Halloween!

Looking for some special reads this Halloween?
Check out my selection of horror books. Meet my characters. And get thoroughly hot and thoroughly scared!
And don’t forget to check out my Facebook Horror Side Page!
Nothing satisfies Lilly. Not even working at The Dungeon BDSM Club as a bondage slave for hire. A slave looking for her true master. None have fit the bill so far. Until Terry. He spins her craving to fever pitch. And she might just fall in love with him, if she could only be his slave. Not just his. Julien and André’s, too. His gorgeous Creole lovers. Because they are the perfect Masters. But also keepers of the Black Room. On Halloween, she’ll discover just how bad and dangerous their pain-lust game can really be. Will she be able to fulfill their true needs? Or will she perish in the attempt?
ClickHEREto read a Halloween excerpt
Lilly – a bondage slave for hire
Terry – owner and manager of The Dungeon club
André – Terry and Julien’s lover
Julien – Terry and André’s lover
Can you take a regular bondage slave for hire and turn her into …

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Ancient Romans: Myths or Facts?

Almost everything modern people know about the ancient Romans comes from movies, and fictional books, and unfortunately much of the historical information regarding the ancient Romans is incorrect. Here are five myths about the ancient Romans that many people think are fact.
1. All ancient Romans wore togas. This is in fact untrue, the toga was considered formal wear and as such was only truly worn for either formal occasions, by the very wealthy, as burial clothing, and in an odd way by some prostitutes. Most ancient Romans had everyday clothing in the form of tunics.
2. A vomitoria is a place that Romans go to vomit up all their food after they eat to excess, so they can go and eat to excess some more. This is a myth. A vomitoria was actually a passage in an amphitheater that allowed people to get to and from their seats quickly.
3. Ancient Romans were significantly shorter than modern Romans. Skeletons discovered in Pompeii and Herculaneum actually give the idea that ancient Romans were taller than modern Romans.
4. Hadrian’s purpose in building Hadrian’s Wall was to keep the Barbarians from overrunning Roman territory. Historians now think it was built for …

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