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Do Readers Care About Characters Backstory?

There is nothing more boring than reading a ton of backstory crammed into scene after scene in a book. At least for me, now don’t get me wrong, I’m interested in the character’s motives, why she might hate men in general. Or why he hates women, but there’s a right way and a wrong way to do the backstory.
Here’s the brutal truth, your readers don’t care why your main character Matilda hates polka dot dresses or doesn’t eat banana splits. And they don’t want to hear about it, ever. The just want to know when the action is going to start. And they want you to keep it going. If in the middle of the action you put these boring facts, you are quickly going to lose readers and book sales.
So, what do you do about the backstory, especially since every character has one? Here are three ideas for what to do about backstory.
1. Kill it all together!
That’s right!
Don’t add in any backstory and instead keep the action going. Resist the urge to write up long character bios before you begin writing your book. While it is important to keep track of important facts such …

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Infuriating angel-demon!

Virtus Saga, Book 8

“So what do you say, Princess, if we tell our infuriating angel-demon what he means to both of us?”

Actually, he just wanted to bend Chris’s back and penetrate the tight ring of muscles all the way up to the throat, to celebrate Chris’s escape from death by rubbing their bodies together, then burying himself inside Chris and never pull out.

Ever again.

“You and I together? So that maybe we can finally teach him some manners?”
This new twist would raise the level like few other times before in their fucking.

“I can’t wait to start, Master.”

He needed no special Virt to interpret Ylianor’s immediate peak of excitement.

“How can I best serve your purpose?” Taking a step back, she bowed, having a hard time quieting the incessant throbbing of her slit and clit. “How can I best serve your lover and you yourself in the fulfillment of your pleasure?”

“I’d say we first get indoors.” Even if she had said nothing, he had caught her shiver of cold. Only natural, since the weather had taken giant leaps into the fall while playing Cecilia’s Game. An unusually icy autumn, if he …

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Want to be a Bestselling Author? 4 Experiments Pam Grout Style! Part 3

The first two articles in this series dealt mainly with learning how to change your thinking, and alter the scripts in your mind so you can receive that which you so much want to receive, bestselling author status. I am now going to propose four experiments author Pam Grout style that you can use to prove to yourself that there really is a universe, God, divine Poo Ba or whoever that wants to give you exactly what you want. Honestly, just like Pam I don’t really care what you call it, The Force aka Star Wars, God, Athena, Zeus, or the field of infinite potentiality (that’s Pam’s name for it). However, in order for these experiments to work, you do have to believe in something out there that is greater than yourself, whatever name you choose.

Pam’s books E-squared, and E-cubed and Thank and Grow Rich have experiments and party games that are pretty awesome. These are just games you can play to prove to yourself that there is something out there greater than yourself and that indeed wants you to be happy, or in your case be a bestselling author!
Have fun, and please do let me know your …

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