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Special Valentine’s special excerpt: Chris, Ylianor and Duncan’s unique pledge in Book 5 of the Virtus Saga

SERIES: Virtus Saga Book 5
GENRE: Erotica, Gay LGBT, Ménag à Trois/Quatree, Dark Fantasy, Paranormal, Romance, Series, m/m, m/m/f, m/m/m/f

“Christopher Templeton, do you pledge your heart, spirit, body and mind to Ylianor Caldwell and to me, Duncan Caldwell, to be our lover, mate, friend and kindred spirit?”
“I pledge my love and my life to you both, Ylianor and Duncan.” Chris looked at each in turn. “So that we may be one while still being three. I want to be your lover…” His hand slipped down to fondle their sex. “Your friend…” He squeezed their hands. “Your brother…” He placed his palm over their hearts. “And your mate.” He touched their heads. “For as long as I breathe because it’s what my heart commands.”
Impulsively, he wrapped his arms around Ylianor and crushed her against him, ravaging her mouth hard and deep. “I don’t have any special sharing power, so I’ll have to rely on inadequate words.” Out of breath, he drew back slightly. “I love you, sleeping beauty, …

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Who Is Horus? And How Is He Related to Divinitas?

Horus is the Egyptian god depicted as either as a falcon or as a falcon headed man.
He has a very ancient and long history in Egypt and is one of Egypt’s oldest deities. Egyptian royalty revered him so much that people believed pharaohs were Horus’s incarnations, and rulers often took some form of the name Horus for their own.
In Egypt’s antiquity, Horus was a sky god, believed to be from the sky and to have the moon for one eye and the sun for the other. Because of this association, Egyptians also considered him a solar deity.

Horus actually came to Egypt prior to any of the Egyptian dynasties in Egypt’s pre-history. In fact, the original followers of Horus were invaders of Egypt, but in spite of this, Egyptians were very quick to adopt the god into their pantheon. It was not long before he was also said to be the dutiful son of Isis and Osiris, although some sources claim he is the brother of Osiris and Seth.
Horus was so important in fact that the Romans adopted him into their pantheon just as they did Isis, and there are still those today who call on the …

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If you’re scared, leave! if you stay, keep your trap shut and follow instructions! Erotic excerpt from the ReScue Series

However you lived your past, today you’re the key to changing your future
“A fascinatingly, if at times disturbingly, erotic affair. Lifetimes of disappointment, desire and death has done one good thing for the prey, it has become as ruthless as its hunter. The final coupling makes the whole story come together and readies the reader for more.” Coffee Time Romance rated it 4 Cups
“RE-SCUE is a more intense and startlingly horrific than most titles I’ve read.  Now that being said I was actually fascinated by how Ms. Tolomei was able to jump genres so frequently within one book and still have it all make perfect sense.  The whole theme of the story is a simple one – falling in love can destroy you, but with time and effort love could ultimately save you.  If you’re faint of heart or strongly opposed to the more shocking fetishes then you might want to steer clear of this one but if you’re more adventurous (at least in your choice of reading material) then pick up a copy, sit back and prepare yourself for a heck of a wild ride.” RJR rated it 3.5 ribbons
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