I have run into more than one author online who has been convinced that sending promotions to groups, e-mail lists that have been opted into, tweet posts, FB posts etc. that are similar or the same are spam. My first thought when I hear an author say, “But I can’t send that promotion out on the groups again it’ll be considered spam!” is that someone hasn’t taken their marketing classes or done their research.
The truth is I’ve run into this more than once and I’m always amazed, especially since the cardinal rule of marketing is that potential readers or buyers need to see something at least seven times before they’re going to be motivated to buy it. For example, do you only see a commercial on television one time? You don’t do you. It’s often played over and over, and while that can be annoying it’s true, it is because they are following that cardinal rule mentioned above. That being said, it only makes sense to put that material or promotion in front of readers at least once weekly. Now, I’m by no means suggesting you post exactly the same promotion every single day. That would not be spam …
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