His latest work had me hooked from the first page. Events were woven together so intricately yet so perfectly that they came round in a full circle without a single flaw!
And the characters stand out so vividly that it's like I actually know them in real life.
This book is nothing short of superb, and I'd definitely recommend it to anyone looking for an out-of-the-ordinary plot, a series of unexplainable coincidences and an unexpected ending!
I found the plot incredible in its simplicity and directness. I also fell for Mr. Tsuneo Asai, not just because he's the main character, mostly for his burocratic habits and mannerisms.
But what I liked above all was the description of a particular section of Japanese society, tinged as it was with that rètro flavor given by the almost fifty years' distance since the writing of the book.
I'd definitely recommend it!
I liked the slow drawing in of my interest and attention until I just had to finish it!
I liked the sisters, each different in their individual ways yet alike in their reverence of their family name and of withering customs, trying to protect both to the point of being ridiculous.
I liked the historical setting, the subtle blend between the private lives and the public tragedies destroying the world around them.
What I didn't like, or rather couldn't understand, was the abrupt ending. After having come so far, it was a huge letdown. But I'm guessing somethin must have happened with the author to make him desist from writing about this particular subject. And it's a real shame 🙁