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Category: Laura Tolomei

Roman Seduction

FAR Review – Roman Seduction

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Intriguing scenario with strong macho characters!

Title: Roman Seduction
Author: Laura Tolomei
ISBN: Unavailable
Released: June 2009
Publisher: eXtasy Books
Format: Ebook
Price: $1.59
Length: 44 Pages
Genre: Historical Romance, GBLTQA+, Erotica, Romantica
Rating: 4 Angels /
Reviewer: Fallen Angels Reviews


Laura Tolomei has created an intriguing scenario with Attilio and Aurelius. Attilio is a strong, macho character yet he is also full of wisdom and knows his own mind. I really felt for him when we learned about his past. He’s a very honest character, but he remains true to the time in which the story is set. Aurelius is his opposite, attracted to men but not entirely open about it. Attilio teaches him to let go of his fear and disgust of women and to be open about his wants. Roman Seduction is an interesting read with good period detail and two fascinating characters.

FAR - Fallen Angels Reviews


#LauraTolomei #LallaGatta #reading #reviews

Spying the Alcove Laura Tolomei

PNR Review – Spying The Alcove

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Good story!

Title: Spying the Alcove
Author: Laura Tolomei
Publisher: eXtasy Books
ISBN: 9781554873470
Released: August 2009
Format: Ebook
Price: $4.77
Length: 118 Pages
Genre: Paranormal Romance, Erotica, Gay LGBTQA+, Ménage à Trois
Reviewer: ParaNormal Romancce Reviews

If you are looking for a story about two people coming together and just about the finding oneself then this is a good story for you.

PNR - ParaNormal Romancce Reviews


#LauraTolomei #LallaGatta #reading #reviews