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Category: Laura Tolomei’s Reading Reviews & Thoughts

Laura Tolomei’s Reading Reviews & Thoughts

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Review by LallaGatta – If Looks Could Kill by Eileen Dreyer

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Worst crime fiction EVER!

I can't believe how truly bad this book is! If Looks Could Kill by Eileen Dreyer is just excessive in every way possible when it comes to the main character. Chris Jackson has just too many fears and recriminations to fill several books on psychology and psychiatry. She also rambles about them at such length that I quickly grew bored with her constant insecurities and indecisions. Maybe the author thought these excessive litanies as a way of bonding, of making readers feel for Chris, but they only made her an insufferable egotist.

Needless to say, it robbed any intrinsical crime value this story might have had.

Not only do I NOT recommend this book, but I'd have rate this book half a star if only given the chance.

Check it out on Amazon

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Review by LallaGatta – The Silence of the Girls by Pat Barker

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If “Silence becomes a woman,” I’m glad Pat Barker decided to speak!

Queen of Lyrnessus, Briseis is the spoil of a war neither she not her kin wanted or encouraged. Instead, she is caught in the most epic of battles, the one waged against Troy by angry Greeks enraged by the kidnapping of the beautiful Helen, wife of Menelaus. Agamemnon, Menelaus's brother, is commander in chief of the Greek army, but Achilles is the real leader, the unbeatable warrior who inspires soldiers from both sides, Greeks and Trojans alike. And Briseis is simply another prize awarded to him after he has slain sixty men to conquer her city, including her father and four brother's.

Stripped of her rank, Briseis becomes Achilles's slave and joins the other captive women inside the Greek compound, serving and obeying her master in and out of bed. It is a life of routine, rape, pain, frustration and bitterness that she mutely shares with every other broken woman in the camp, while observing the men surrounding her. One stands out among the rest, Patroclus, and not because of his special relationship with Achilles. He alone shows an interest for her as a person, so the story …

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