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Enough twists and turns to heighten every one of your senses!

Title: Bloody Passion

Author: Laura Tolomei
Publisher: eXtasy Books
ISBN: 9781554874170
Released: October 2009
Format: Ebook
Price: $4.99
Length: 158 Pages
Genre: Horror Romance, Erotica, Gay LGBTQA+, Ménage à Trois, Dark Fantasy, Paranormal, Shape-shifter
Rating: 4 Cups
Reviewer Name: Lototy
Reviewer: Coffee Time Romance & More


The animosity that Cedric bears towards women is something deeply ingrained in his soul and naturally began at his mother’s knee. She gave Cedric up to the care of a Druid, believing the child carried a darkness in his soul she feared would consume him if he did not get help or guidance.

It is a calling and a power source yet unknown that has Rory finding this little village in the forest. There is evil coming to this place, and as a hunter, it is his duty to safeguard the innocent.

Cedric is on his own now as the village Druid to guide the spiritual and physical well being of his people. His cocky youthfulness has had to come to terms with the demands of the village, and he is now seeing how brash and ignorant he really was. But he never realized how lonely until Rory appears and shakes his quiet little existence. This brave hunter holds a power over Cedric that in time both learn the true meaning of.

I love a book that is so much more than the sum of its parts and has the ability to make you question and ponder its characters and their actions. Yes, on the surface Cedric and Rory are lovers, a healer, and a hunter, but underneath is the healer who and what he seems to be, and what is the hunter really searching for? Add to that a third character, who is the embodiment of a nightmare, but comes off as an innocent, and you have a story with enough twists and turns to heighten every one of your senses. I would certainly love to see their adventures, as well as their considerably sexy encounters, continue.

Reviewer for Coffee Time Romance & More

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