To Seduce A Soulmate
To Seduce A Soul Mate
SERIES: Soulmate, Book 1
AUTHOR: Laura Tolomei
FACEBOOK: Laura Tolomei Horror Side
GENRE: Erotica, Gay LGBT, Ménage à Trois, Dark Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Paranormal, Horror, m/m, m/m/m, m/m/f
ISBN# 9781554872435
PAGES# 129
WORDS# 32.250
HEAT: 4 flames
RELEASED: 1 March 2009
PUBLISHER: eXtasy Books
COVER ARTIST: Martine Jardin
“The sex scenes are great and detailed, the dialogue quick and easy to follow. And hello good man on man lovin’ :)” JBPreview
Finding a soul mate was the easy part. To seduce him proved to be Martin’s hardest challenge for nothing in Pirate Drake’s black intriguing eyes led on to the fate awaiting him. But can the month, between Thanksgiving and Christmas be enough to convince him of the contrary and overcome his dilemnas about gender, feelings connections and sex? Or can Pirate Drake find a way around the burning desire, the erotic heat, the uncontrollable passion wrecking his senses at Martin's mere sight?
Excerpt: Who ever mentioned women?
(PG Sensual excerpt)
Martin’s eyes flashed in the semi-darkness. “Personally, I like the raping part better.” Raising his head, he trapped Drake’s eyes again. “I’ve always preferred sex over drinks.” A naughty smile crossed his lips. “I had the crazy notion there was a special person waiting just for me. To hop from one bed to another seemed the best strategy to find him so I did a lot of…hopping.”
Unable to tear his eyes away from the compelling green gaze, the pirate grinned. “Not the faithful kind, I suppose.”
“Never believed in it,” Martin admitted. “I always liked fooling around with whoever caught my fancy, but mostly my…dick.”
A shiver ran down Drake’s back as the dream returned forcefully to the fore. Martin’s look seemed unequivocal and for a moment, the pirate wondered what it would really feel like to taste something completely different. The twitch in his crotch reminded that, in the haste to get something to drink, he had not bothered with underwear. So what if Martin notices it? he wondered with a delicious thrill running down his spine. “With your looks, I’m sure women must have been all over you.”
“Who ever mentioned women?”
Drake was not sure he had heard correctly over the painful thumping in his ears that drowned every other sound. But Martin’s hand gripping his rising shape left little doubt to his meaning.
“They’ve never been, nor will they ever be, my first choice,” he continued, dipping his head.
CTR 5 Cups – JBP – Leave your own review on Goodreads – Talking Two Lips 4 lips – Whipped Cream 4.5 Cherries
Blog Talk Radio
Interesting and sensual scene
Glad you like it, Janet. I must’ve done something right, haha.
@LallaGatta #LauraTolomei #LallaGatta
This sounds hot! Great snippet!
Sorry to be running late.
Retweeted and added to the fall/winter Roost Recommendations and the new Erotica page. https://bit.ly/ReadersRoost
No worries, Ornery, and thanks for the Roost Recommendation!
@LallaGatta #LauraTolomei #LallaGatta