Not In The Game, Deleted Scenes from The Game, Virtus Saga Plus
From now on, I’ll treat you like a slave, a mere thing men and women will use for their pleasure alone. And you are to service whatever player I choose for I want to see how far I can take you, how much you’ll yield to sex for the sake of sex. Because you’re just an object, something they’ll discard as soon as they come, your body useless once they get exactly what they want from it.
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Not-Game-Virtus-Laura-Tolomei/dp/1487420021
Extasy Books: https://www.extasybooks.com/978-1-4874-1571-6-not-in-the-game/
#LauraTolomei @LallaGatta #VirtusSaga #Fantasy
When Prince Duncan Caldwell has to enter Cecilia Hurst’s Game of Masters and Slaves, he already knows he’ll have to play Master if he intends to retrieve the pyramid Cecilia stole from the sacred Nephis Valley. And his choice for a slave can only be Ylianor Meyer, however fiercely Lord Christopher Templeton resents her and her overpowering erotic intrusion in a trip that should’ve been his and Duncan’s alone. No, make that in a love that should’ve been his and Duncan’s alone!
Such is the new setting of the Virtus Saga, where nothing is what it seems. Not since …
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